
Roxan Chua Roxan Chua

5 Advanced Climbing Techniques

Ready to elevate your climbing abilities? Dive into this guide and learn 5 advanced climbing techniques to take you to the next level in your climbing journey.

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Roxan Chua Roxan Chua

Benefits of Climbing for Kids

Climbing benefits youngsters beyond fitness. Climbing builds confidence, problem-solving, and teamwork. Discover how climbing benefits kids.

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What to Wear for Indoor Rock Climbing

When you begin indoor rock climbing, it can be confusing to know what to wear. You probably noticed that climbing gym fashion is unlike anything else. Some climbers wear incredibly baggy clothes, others wear jeans and beanies, and some just wear normal athletic wear.

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Understanding Climbing Grades

What’s with the 5. before those other numbers? Why are bouldering and sport climbing grades so different? How the heck do you figure out where to start?? To learn the basics of climbing grades, get a little background, or just get an explanation as to why we climbers have succumbed to this grading chaos, read on!

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How to Start Training for Climbing

Training for climbing may seem daunting, but it’s not quite as scary as you might think. It's rad that you want to train for climbing and improve your climbing ability! Remember, everyone starts from somewhere.

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